Original games

Game development is our passion and our original games are the personification of that feeling!


Gamefication is process of using games and game design techniques to improve engagement.

It can help bring people to a booth in the conference, build loyalty system in a mobile application or just a fun educational game that will keep people engaged during company training polices like onboarding etc.

With our game design and development expertise we can help bring this approach to your product or needs.

Art commisions

Finding yourself in need of art, CherryBit takes on commissions at a reasonable prices!

Assets packs

Game development is our passion, and passions should be shared!

With that in mind, we provide, free, assets pack that anybody can use to build prototypes, game jams, or even full blown games, there are no strings attached, they are and will be completely free.

Credits/attribution are totally optional, but definitely appreciated, and of course, if these packs are useful for you and you want to support this work, optional donations are available.

Open source tools

Finding yourself in need of art, CherryBit takes on commissions at a reasonable prices!