CherryBit studios is a small independent game and software development studios based in Brazil.

Our goal is bring fun and joy into peoples life in the form of electronic video games and we do so by developing our own games that are available to the public in the popular games and apps stores, but also by helping other companies to add fun to their products/events by gamification.

We are also a bit believer and enthusiasts of open source software, it is rooted in our history since CherryBit was born inside the Flame Engine development team and as such our development efforts mostly rely on OSS tools and of course, we give back to the community by making tools that we make internally open, which you can check them out here in our website!

This is just a quick gist about CherryBit, we are always looking forward to chatting to people, so if you want to know more, don’t hesitate in reaching out via email or even directly in discord!

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